The price of cigarettes, tobacco, and cigars in Italy has risen significantly in recent months as a result of regulatory interventions included in the Budget Law 2023 and subsequently adjusted in the Manoeuvre 2024. Specifically, the fixed excise tax on cigarettes increased to 29.50 euros per thousand cigarettes starting in 2025. Despite these increases, the impact on smokers appears to be modest. According to the most recent data from the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in 4 Italians is a smoker (24%), with the percentage rising sharply among young people, where 30.2% use at least one product among traditional cigarettes, heated tobacco or electronic cigarettes. In response to this situation, Federconsumatori and the ISSCON Foundation have produced the first Report on spending on cigarettes and anti-smoking medical devices in Italy for the year 2025. The Federconsumatori National Observatory, in collaboration with ISSCON, estimated that a smoker who consumes one pack of cigarettes per day spends about 2,080.00 euros annually. Alternative products such as heated tobacco and electronic cigarettes also entail considerable expenses.