Beppe Caccia, co-founder and head of operations of NGO Mediterranea, filed a complaint with the Venice Public Prosecutor's Office alleging that he was a victim of spying through the spyware “Graphite” of the company Paragon Solutions USA. Accompanied by lawyers from Mediterranea's Legal Team, Caccia handed over his cell phone to investigators and appointed a technical consultant to follow up on the investigation. The complaint alleges crimes of abusive access to a computer system, unlawful installation of computer equipment and unlawful interference with private life. According to the investigation conducted in collaboration with the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab, the spyware was allegedly used to systematically monitor Caccia, turning his phone into a surveillance device. Paragon, which supplies the software only to government entities, places ethical restrictions on its use against journalists and activists. However, victims of the intrusion also include Luca Casarini, Don Mattia Ferrari, David Yambio, and Fanpage online news outlet editor Francesco Cancellato.