DNA analysis to discover the origins of the population of the Salentinian Greek (Grika). This is the theme of the project under the national research program called PRIN (Projects of Significant National Interest) promoted and funded by the Ministry of University and Research and conducted by a team of scientists from the University of Salento. The first results of the research will be announced at a meeting open to the public to be held today at 5:30 p.m. in the Town Hall of the Municipality of Castrignano de' Greci and will be attended by university professors and representatives of local institutions. The scientific project made use of innovative DNA sequencing and genomic analysis technologies and was supported by the active and enthusiastic participation of the population, so as to shed light on the migrations that led to the formation of a population that has preserved its own linguistic identity to this day. Early research results are very interesting and indicate the presence of genetic markers dating back less than 5,000 years characteristic of the southern Balkans on both the male and female sides. This means that there was the arrival of a community and allows us to rule out the origin from a male-only group or from Italiotes who simply acquired the Greek language. In addition, the preservation and high incidence of these genetic characteristics allow us to establish that, as a whole, the community remained relatively isolated for centuries.