Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Sardinian exports soar to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates

BigItaly International

Sardinian exports soar to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates

Milan - The acronym BRICS is primarily associated with geopolitics. The grouping of emerging countries led by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, to which Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, and Iran have recently joined, represents the economic alternative to the West. However, they also appreciate products from Sardinia. The value of Sardinian exports to the BRICS - as reported by ItaliaOggi - is 435 million euros. The island offers a variety of products to these new commercial powers, contributing to the regional value added by 1.4%: from derivatives of crude processing to technological know-how, to products from small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises such as food, wood and metal products, leather goods, clothing and textiles, furniture and ceramics, as well as semi-finished stone products, chemicals, machinery, and equipment. Data from 2018 on the original BRICS group, according to a dossier from the research office of Confartigianato Imprese Sardegna, showed 49 million euros worth of goods sold and the last position in the national ranking when the total Italian exports were over 27 billion. These numbers have significantly increased in 2023. (9colonne)

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