Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Fiorella Mannoia ambassador of the Italian song in the world

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Fiorella Mannoia ambassador of the Italian song in the world

(February 13, 2017) On the occasion of the 67th Festival di Sanremo, the Dante Alighieri Society and the University Ca' Foscari Itals Laboratory awarded the prize "Dove il Sì suona." The award, in its first edition, has the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and is awarded "to the song competing at the Festival whose text shows both elements of originality and the ability to convey to our audience abroad the Italian values and style". "By a unanimous verdict, the jury decided to award the lyrics of the song “Che sia benedetta”, sung by Fiorella Mannoia - we read in the motivations of the choice -. A text capable of deal in an original and moving way with a theme always dear to the Italian song as the reflection on life. And to employ with great awareness, in the choice of words, in their order, in the search for images and sounds of great effect, the extraordinary richness of our language. Thanks to the harmony created between those words and the music, the text sung by Mannoia is able to convey effectively and credibly positive values of which we all need now more than ever." Other lyrics mentioned by the jury were, in descending score order, those of “Vietato morire” (Ermal Meta), “Occidentali's Karma” (Francesco Gabbani), “Vedrai” (Samuel), “Ragazzi fuori” (Clementine), “Spostato di un secondo” (Marco Masini) , “Fatti bella per te” (Paola Turci). (PO / Red)


The jury is made by illustrious personalities of linguistics and language teaching: prof. Luca Serianni (who is also the chairman), prof. Paolo Balboni, prof. Giuseppe Antonelli, Prof. Fabio Caon and Prof. Gabriella Cartago.

(© 9Colonne - citare la fonte)