Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Foreign Press had its eyes on the Sanremo Festival. Invitation for Conti to visit New York

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Foreign Press had its eyes on the Sanremo Festival. Invitation for Conti to visit New York

(14 February 2017) “Tutti cantano Sanremo” (Everybody sings at Sanremo) is this year’s Italian music festival slogan which took place only a few days ago. In addition to singing, the world was also writing about Sanremo. This year, there has been a record in media coverage: a total of 1,341 accredited members of the press. Agencies, daily newspapers, periodicals, online newspapers, radio, television: all with their cameras pointed to Sanremo’s Ariston theatre. Media coverage for the 67th 2017 Sanremo Festival came from all over the world: Argentina, United States, Czech Republic, Spain, and for the first time China. In total there were 83 correspondants from 47 different platforms including tv, web, radio and print. 8 TV platforms from Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, Switzerland with 17 correspondents. 26 radio platforms with 49 correspondents from Austria, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Spain, United States, and Switzerland. And an invitation from a New York radio station for Carlo Conti, Sanremo’s host and artistic director, to hold Sanremo in the Big Apple. “It would be an honour for me, but on one condition, I will speak Italian!”. Among Sanremo’s many praises from outside of Italy, it was also praised for changing the term “big” that has been used for many years to indicate the performers in the main section, to the Italian term “campioni” (champions). (red)


Both printed paper and the web have brought 17 correspondents from 13 different news platfroms from Canada, Germany, the Principality of Monaco, United States, and Switzerland. Among these news platforms is the Chinese weekly magazine Nouvelles d’Europe.

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