Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Energy saving, the Consulate adheres to the "M'illumino di meno" initiative

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Energy saving, the Consulate adheres to the

(17 February 2017) The Italian General Consulate in La Plata adheres to the 13th edition of "M'illumino di meno" (I illuminate less) promoted by the Rai Radio 2 "Caterpillar" programme. The initiative aims to dedicate a day, on February 24th, to raising awareness about the issues of energy saving. The sponsors of this initiative are the President of the Republic, the European Parliament, the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, the adherence of the Ministry for the Environment, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Transportation. The Consulate in La Plata is sensitising its own personnel, its offices, Italian schools, associations, and the whole Italian community on the importance of energy conservation. In addition, as part of the environmental strategy "Farnesina Verde" (Green Farnesina) designed by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Consular Office in the course of 2016 has made some interventions on the lighting system proceeding to replace all the lights with LED spotlights and environmentally friendly light bulbs. (Red)



On February 24, Rai Radio 2 invites everyone to participate in an energy saving day. How? Here is the handbook of "M'illumino di meno": 1. turn off the lights when not needed. 2. switch off electronics and do not leave them on standby. 3. Defrost the refrigerator frequently; keep the coil clean and far from the wall so that air can circulate. 4. Put the lid on pots when boiling water and always ensure that the flame is wider than the bottom of the pot. 5. If feeling too hot, turn down the radiators instead of opening the windows. 6. Reduce drafts by caulking window frames. 7. Use curtains to create hollow spaces in front of window panes and glass doors. 8. Do not to leave curtains closed in front of radiators. 9. Insert special insulating and reflective films in between radiators and the wall 10. Drive as little as possible, and if needed try to carpool car as little as possible or cycle around the city. 

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