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direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Theatre: Lucrezia Lante della Rovere in “Io am Misia”

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Theatre: Lucrezia Lante della Rovere in “Io am Misia”

(23 March 2017) “I a recruiter of geniuses and human wonders. I do not giver birth. I make them give birth. Men need a Sphynx in order to give birth to beauty. To become and artists. I make them give birth. I made all of them give birth! They say that my talent is knowing how to sniff talent. Where everyone sees a dwarf, I see a Toulouse-Lautrec”. Lucrezia Lante della Rovere debuts in the Festival of Spoleto in 2015 with “I am Misia. The Queen Bee of Geniuses”, loosely inspired by the memoires of Misia Sert. The show received wide acclaim and continues its tour in Italian theatres. “I am Misia” will also tour to Spain at the Teatre Akademia of Barcelona from April 7th – 9th. After the success of Malamore, winner of a Flaiano Award, Lucrezia Lante della Rovere continues to interpret extraordinary profiles of women who have strongly influenced the culture of the 20th century. Through Francesco Zecca’s sensitive and careful direction and an unpublished text by the poet Vittorio Cielo, she uncovers the fascinating figure that is Misia Sert – an extraordinary patron to whom we owe, among others, the discovery of Coco Chanel. Her Parisian salon was frequented by the likes of Picasso and Paul Morand, she posed for Renoir and Toulouse-Lautrec. Jean Cocteau’s princess in his novel “Thomas L’Imposteur” was inspired by Misia. She was described by Proust as a “monument to history placed in the axis of French taste like the Luxor obelisk of the Champs Elysées”. For the occasion of the Theatre production in Barcelona, Della Rovere was also invited to Casa Italiana di Barcellona on April 6th at 20:00 for “An aperitif with Lucrezia Lante della Rovere”. (PO/red)


Lucrezia Lante della Rovere makes her debut on the big screen in 1986 with “Let’s Hope it’s a Girl” by Mario Monicelli. In 1988, after the television film “Quando ancora non c’erano I Beatles” (When the Beatles weren’t Here Yet) she starred in Pupi Avati’s “Story of Boys and Girls”. In the 1990s, she stars alongside Vanessa Redgrave in “Diceria dell’untore” and Noiret in “Zuppa di pesce” (Fish Stew). She then stars in Pino Quartullo’s “When We Were Repressed” and in “Women Don’t Want To”. She also starred in the television series by Mauro Bolognini “Casa ricordi” followed by television movies “Uno di noi” (One of Us), “Les Amants de rivière rouge” (Lovers of the Rivière Rouge), “Trenta righe per un delitto” (30 lines for a crime) and “Cronaca Nera” (Crime). In 2000, “La Carbonara” by Luigi Magni, “Tutti gli zeri del mondo” for RAI Uno, the television series “Il lato oscuro” (The Dark Side) and “Orgoglio” (Pride) and “Attenti a quei tre” (Watch Out for Those Three). In 2005 she stars in Gianpaolo Tescari’s “Gli occhi dell’altro” (The Others’ Eyes) and wins the Taormina Film Festival. She was introduced to theatre by Luca Barbareschi with whom she continues to work with for many years as well with Gabriele Lavia, Giorgio Albertazzi, Duccio Camerini, Luca Ronconi, and Emanuela Giordano. In 2007 she stars in the lead role of the RAI television series “Donna Detective”. In 2008, she wins best actress in the Roma Fiction Fest with “Ovunque tu sia” (Wherever You Are) by Ambrogio Lo Giudice with whom she made “Una musica silenziosa” (Silent Music). She was also in the cast of “Quantum of Solace” and “Purple Sea” by Donatella Maiorca. In 2011 she also starred in the television series “Tutti pazzi per amore 3” (Everybody is Crazy for Love 3). In 2012 she wins the Flaiano Award as best actress for her role in the theatre production “Malamore” written by Concita De Gregorio and directed by Francesco Zecca. The same year, she also participated in the talent show “Ballando con le stelle” (Dancing with the Stars) and in the theatre production of Ibsen’s “John Gabriel Borkman”. In 2013, she starred in “Come tu mi vuoi” (Just How You Like Me) by Francesco Zecca based on Masolino d’Amico’s loose adaptation of the playwrite Pirandello’s comedy. In 2015 she returns to television in the role of “La Dama Velata” (The Veiled Lady) by Carmine Elia” on RAI Uno prime time.

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