Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

University, Bologna focuses on internationalization

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(April 27, 2017) University of Bologna looks abroad: the Board of the University has approved the new distributing criteria of the annual fund for the development of didactics internationalization. A 300,000 euros budget will be allocated, from the next academic year, between the 33 departments. "This is - from a Univestity note - the launch of a new strategy to strengthening the international offering and student mobility agreements of the University of Bologna, through the analysis of the Erasmus+ active agreements and enhancing Delegates to the international relations and exchange referents of each department roles ". (Red)


There are 6000 applications submitted for the Erasmus Call 2017-2018. A number that can grow again thanks to the new approved strategy and analyzing the agreements and mobility. This activities allow to respond more effectively to students' demand. Each department will have a part of the fund to support its internationalization activities through tutoring checks and the funding of mobility-related actions such as scholarships to prepare the thesis abroad. The Erasmus+ National Agency has allocated a million euros to the various Erasmus+ (study and internship) mobility activities at the University of Bologna, recognizing both the high number of students in mobility and the high number of credits acquired by Alma Mater leaving students every year. Alma Mater also allocated a € 250,000 fund to enhance and strengthen the agreements with foreign institutions, proposing new internationalization initiatives in the various University facilities. The Department's response was very positive with 39 projects presented by 23 departments.

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