Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Two seminars at the Italian stand at the Expo Colectividades 2017

BigItaly focus
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(1 September 2017) Thanks to the efforts of the Italian Institute of Buenos Aires, the Italian Embassy, and the Italian Consulate, Italy will have a stand at the Expo Colectividades 2017 taking place until September 3rd in the Audiovisual Dorrego District. The aim of the initiative promoted by the City of Buenos Aires, with the participation of more than 40 collectives, is to build a society in which culture, tradition, and innovation unite under a common motto: integration and coexistence. The Italy will also host two seminars: “Pensar la italianidad desde la Pampa Gringa santafesina: palabras, imágenes, virtualidad”, held by Professors Adriana Crolla (Università Nacional del Litoral) and MaríaLuisa Ferraris (Centro Piemontés – Ampra) on September 2nd. “Lo que hicieron los italianos en la lejana Patagonia” held by di Alex H. Vallega on September 3rd. (Ram)



The Italian Institute of Culture of Buenos Aires was founded in 1940 as the "Centro Studi Italiani". It remained closed during the Second World War and was later reopened in 1952 as the "Centro Italiano di Studi". A few years later it was repabtised as the Italian Institute of Culture.  

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