Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Buffala mozzarella: ready for South Africa

BigItaly focus
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Buffala mozzarella: ready for South Africa

From 2006 to 2016 the export of buffalo mozzarella Dop from Campania has grown by over 100% (from 15.6% to 32.1%). During the same period, buffalo production increased by 31%. 2017 is expected to be a record-breaking year. In the first eight months there has already been a further increase in production of 7.5% compared to 2016. Exports are really driving the sub-sector. New data on buffalo mozzarella from Campania, processed by the Consortium of Conservation, was released the day after Coldiretti's export analysis, giving Dop mozzarella one of the best performances. France remains the first destination country, followed by Germany and the UK. Japan and Eastern Europe mark the best trend, along with Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary in the lead. Meanwhile, on November 20th, the Consortium for the Protection of Buffalo Mozzarella Dop will fly to South Africa and will be in Cape Town to attend the workshop on "Protecting and Promoting Geographical Indication Products", promoted by the Italian Embassy in Pretoria, the South African Economy and Tourism Ministries, and the European Union. There will be discussions held with international experts on the development and promotion strategies of Dop and Igp.

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