Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Design, Italian architects dealing with jewelry

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Design, Italian architects dealing with jewelry

(May 23, 2017) When design meets jewelry the appointment is not to be missed. It opened yesterday and there is time until June 3 to visit the Connaissance des Arts of Beirut (Saifi Village Quartier des arts) exhibition dedicated to Italian made jewelry made by Italian architects who wanted to experiment and put together Art, crafts, fashion and design. "We are pleased to present to the Lebanese audience - reads the site of the Beirut Culture Institute in Beirut that organized the exhibition with Beirut Design Week and the Fondazione Sartirana Arte - this collection of silver jewels, embodying a new and audacious Language, the intersection between art and design". The public will have the opportunity to admire a collection of small artworks bearing the impression of Italian architects who devoted to jewelry design and that experimenting with unusual materials such as silver, plated metals, onyx, amethyst, tourmaline, emerald, have created an innovative trend. Architects have been able to combine simplicity and elegance. On display works of great names such as Argenteria San Lorenzo, Albini / Helg, Afra and Tobia Scarpa, Lella and Massimo Vignelli, Maria Luisa of Belgioioso and Antonio Piva. (Red)


The Sartirana Foundation selects and collects the most innovative and interesting objects made in the last fifty years in the fields of silverware, glassware, furnishing design and accessories, fashion and accessories and ornaments for the Body designed by great artists. In recent years, the collections of the Sartirana Foundation have traveled to many countries. They are a kind of "museums in suitcase" hosted by the Italian Embassies and the Italian Cultural Institutes on the five continents.

(© 9Colonne - citare la fonte)