Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Books, Maurizio Torchio presents "Cattivi"

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Books, Maurizio Torchio presents

(June 16, 2017) "The cell is four footsteps long and a couple of stretched arms wide. If I get to my toes I touch the ceiling. It is a man-sized space. Sized around me." From the dark pit of an isolation cell, a voice roars. It is that of a prisoner convicted for kidnapping: a cruel game of mirrors that multiplies executions and casualties, imprisonment and freedom. To tell it is Maurizio Torchio in his novel entitled "Cattivi". For the cycle of meetings "Writers in the Library", the author stops at the Italian Institute of Culture in Hamburg. The appointment is Monday June 19 at 7PM: the author will present his second book, just released in Germany with the title "Das angehaltene Leben", along with she who did the translation of the text: Annette Kopetzki. (PO / RED)


Maurizio Torchio, born in Turin in 1970, graduated in Philosophy and has a PhD in Communication Sciences. He has filmed a documentary (Votate agli stipendi Fiat, 2003) and published a collection of stories, Tecnologie affettive (Sironi 2004), and two novels: Piccoli animali (Einaudi 2009) and Cattivi (Einaudi, 2015, with which he won awards like Lo Straniero, Dessì, Padula, Pisa e Moncalieri).

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