Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Art: "Censimento Peculiare" (Peculiar Census) by Sabrina D'Alessandro

BigItaly focus
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(5 September 2017) The "Censimento Peculiare" (Peculiar Census) is a "qualitative survey of the human soul": an exhibition by Sabrina D'Alessandro - "XII Peculiar Census (in which the most current defect is chosen)" will be inaugurated on September 5th at the Italian Institute of Culture of Dublin. "Among the faulty collection of spoken words, visitors will be able to vote on the word of the past that expresses the most common human defect at present". Sabrina D'Alessandro is an artist and an archaeologist of language. Her work explores the relationship between word and imagination, combining art and philology. In 2009 she founded the Urps (Ufficio Resurrezione Parole Smarrite) (The Lost Words Office)"an institute that is responsible for the recovery of lost words essential for life on earth". Her 'Resurrection Office' is a way to give life not only to words themselves, but also to their ability to resonate and resound reality. During the opening night, there will be a performance by the Irish soprano, Sandra Oman. (Red) 


The Italian Institute of Culture was founded in 1954. It is located in a Georgian building that dates to the 1800's in Fitzwilliam Square downtown Dublin,one of the most architecturally interesting and "historic" squares of the city that overlooks a wonderful private park. The building, which is part of the Irish Cultural Heritage, was purchased by the Italian Government in 1974. In 1987, a substantial renovation was carried out, retaining the original structures and enhancing the particular interior features that make it one of Dublin's best preserved Georgian buildings.

(© 9Colonne - citare la fonte)