Italy’s ethnic mosaic

The overall numbers of foreigners in Italy, as of late 2015, considering both the number of residents registered by the ISTAT and the residents not (yet) officially registered, according to an IDOS study, are approximately 5.5 million people (5,498,000), complemented by a total of 1,150,000 naturalised Italian citizens (with a recent increase of women).
The following two pages paint a multiethnic picture of Italy, with a clear delineation of the community according to the territorial diffusion of residents in the North, Central and South of the country. Data regarding employment trends are also provided, which testify to the level of integration in our country more than any other data. The numbers reveal who the new Italian residents are which Poste Italiane has targeted by establishing a multiethnic office. It is a service that is based on linguistic understanding as much as on the supply of products targeted to the needs of Italian and international customers. In a word: global.