BancoPostaImpresa Online – BPIOL

BancoPostaImpresa Online, BPIOL, is a remote banking service dedicated to professional, non-profit and public activities.

It is a complete service that offers BancoPosta, endorsed cheques, bank transfers, online post office cheques, expense reports and Postepay top-ups. With BPIOL, there are also standard Intra-bank Corporate Banking services such as wire transfers, F24s, balance and transfer reports, stock and investment portfolios and more.

BPIOL Multi is the ideal option for those who - in addition to the informational and issuing functions of BPIOL Mono - wish to manage their accounts held with other institutions, arranging payments and inflows in a multi-bank mode through the CBI circuit.

BancoPostaImpresa Online offers multiuser and multi-institutional services. Multiple users connected to an institution can carry out specific functions for certain accounts using BPIOL. Furthermore, by activating the Holding/Subholding feature, customers are able to access and control several operations, including accounts belonging to different companies connected by a corporate bond, all in one place.

Furthermore, it allows for the safe management of accounts with higher security standards. BPIOL USB can be used to access an account. It contains a smart-card equipped with the owner’s digital signature. A PIN number is required to validate transactions, guaranteeing a high standard of security and to recognise the user’s identity.