Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

History and Opera: discovering the Great Female Icons

BigItaly focus
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(9 July 2018) "In the nineteenth century, medieval history and that of the first classical modernity were reformulated in a 'contemporary' way. The great women in history - queens, princesses, warriors, saints - were not kept out of these revisions. In this meeting, we will try to rediscover the true story of Lucrezia Borgia, Maria Stuart, and Joan of Arc, hidden in the melodramatic recreations of the nineteenth century" according to the Italian Institute of Culture of Buenos Aires. The IIC has organised a conference with Professor Nora Sforza in the Benedetto Croce Salon on Tuesday, July 24th, part of the series "History and Opera - Great Women of History" which will uncover Lucrezia Borgia (1833) and Mary Stuart (1834) by Gaetano Donizzetti and Joan of Arc (1845) by Giuseppe Verdi. The event that is part of the cycle "History and Opera - Great Women of History" will go to the discovery of: Lucrezia Borgia (1833) by Gaetano Donizetti; Maria Stuarda (1834) by Gaetano Donizetti; Giovanna d'Arco (1845) by Giuseppe Verdi. Sforza obtained her Ph.D. in Modern Literature from the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the University of Buenos Aires. She is now Professor of Italian Literature and European Renaissance Literature at the same Faculty and Professor of History of Italian Civilization at the "Profesorado Joaquín V. González". She was also a docent at the Universities of Mar del Plata, Córdoba, Tucumán, and the Argentinian Social Museum, among other institutions.

(© 9Colonne - citare la fonte)