Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Italy in support of Saharawi refugees

BigItaly International

Italy in support of Saharawi refugees

Algiers - It has been extended until April 30th the Call for Proposals, through which the headquarters of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation in Tunis intends to select emergency projects by non-profit entities under the Program "Emergency Intervention in favor of youth and women for skills enhancement through vocational training and improvement of basic services in refugee camps". The Call for Proposals aims to complement and synergize with the ongoing activities in Sahrawi refugee camps, particularly aiming to enhance the capacities and years of experience accumulated by civil society organizations present on the ground. The proposed activities will focus on education, livelihood strengthening, and improving internal governance systems through an approach centered on training and capacity building of the population. (9colonne)

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