From Monday to Friday, BigItalyFocus provides an information overview, ranged from development aid to made in Italy
(Jul. 18) - Brave, determined, driven. Ready to face and overcome difficulties, and to tell the world his story. Luigi Laraia, 37 year-old economist at World Bank Group in Washington, is about to start an amazing trip: he will attempt to ride 120 miles a day for 35 days, passing through 12 states before arriving in Canada. Luigi has leukemia and will ride his bicycle across the US to raise awareness and funds for cancer research. His adventure will begin next July 26th, from the Embassy of Italy in Washington DC on July 26 next, to end in Vancouver, Canada, in less than three weeks. "I was diagnosed with leukemia less than four months ago,” says Luigi Laraia presenting his project. “The first chemotherapy cycle gave me strength and determination needed to start a so difficult journey" . About 200 kilometers per day and 12 U.S. states for a total of 35 travel days: these are the figure of Laraia’s adventure. "I know that cancer research is progressing also thanks to the contributions of individuals," he concludes, explaining that during the trip he will write on his blog (http://luigilaraia. /), so giving the chance to follow all the stages of his initiative and support it with donations. (Red)
More than 2.2 million Italians fought or are fighting cancer, 960,000 only in the last five years. A lot of people in needs, whit a social cost equal to 36.4 billion euros per year and that in 3 out of 4 cases consider innovative therapies as a top priority. These are the data coming from a debate held at the Italian Chamber of Deputies , with title “Sostenibilità del Sistema Salute e innovazione in oncoematologia: dalla ricerca al paziente” (Sustainability of the Health Systems and Innovation in hematology: from research to patients).