Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Edu-larp to IT: empowering youth in European entrepreneurship

BigItaly International

Edu-larp to IT: empowering youth in European entrepreneurship

Ankara - The Edu-larp to IT call has begun, a European project aimed at young people aged 17 to 25, designed to provide an experience that familiarizes them with the business world through role-playing and travel. Promoted in collaboration with the Social Services Sector of the Municipality of Quartu, Edu-larp to IT is an Erasmus+ project involving two organizations: the Sardinian Studio L&P and the Turkish BAS-Arı, coming together to offer young participants an Educational Live Action Role-Playing experience on entrepreneurship, actively engaging youth from both nations. Participants will choose a type of business in which they would like to experience or work. The Edu-larp, a role-playing game, will represent the chosen business context, allowing participants to assume various roles and experience typical work situations. Young people from both nations will embark on a journey that enhances their English language skills, digital competencies, understanding of their own potential, and gain other knowledge and skills useful for entering the workforce more consciously and experiencing the Edu-larp to its fullest. This project is an important opportunity to discover the beauty of Europe and to work with peers from other countries. "The Edu-larp to IT project is nothing but an educational role-playing game aimed at conveying to young people the pleasure of entrepreneurship," explains Gabriella Longu, President of the Studio L&P Association. "The project is part of the European Erasmus+ program within an action that promotes individual mobility for the learning of European students and youth, fostering participation, cooperation, innovation, and inclusion in the field of education and training. As an Erasmus+ Ambassador, I am particularly committed to promoting this initiative, which can also involve adults," Longu continues. "Even students attending school can participate because, apart from the 4/5 days they will spend in Turkey, the project will require two half-days per week and will be scheduled in times that do not conflict with the school curriculum. It's a great opportunity for young people, and we would be delighted to see many young people from Quartu participating." The call and application form can be downloaded from the website (9colonne)

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