Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Italy funds Tunisia's first bioterritory

BigItaly International

Italy funds Tunisia's first bioterritory

Haouaria - Recently, the presentation day for the first pilot bioterritory funded by the Tunisian office of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation took place in Haouaria, Tunisia. This initiative, part of the "Preliminary Actions for the Establishment of Bioterritories in Tunisia" project financed by Italian Cooperation, is implemented by CIHEAM Bari and the General Directorate of Organic Agriculture. The event aimed to raise awareness among local communities and national and local representatives about the bioterritory concept and foster knowledge sharing among the five pilot bioterritories—Haouaria, Hazoua, Kesra, Majel Bel Abbes, and Sejnane—supported by the project. Among the attendees were Abderraouf Ajimi, Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources, and Maritime Fisheries, Italian Ambassador to Tunisia Alessandro Prunas, Deputy Director of AICS Tunis Annamaria Meligrana, and Salvatore Basile, Secretary-General of the Cilento Bioterritory, Italy's first bioterritory. "Support for organic farming is a cornerstone of the partnership between Italy and Tunisia," reads the Facebook page and X profile of the Italian Embassy in Tunis. (9colonne)

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