Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Meloni calls for European action against modern slavery and irregular migration

BigItaly International

Meloni calls for European action against modern slavery and irregular migration

Luanda - "I believe that Europe, the cradle of Western civilization, can no longer tolerate the existence of a universal crime like slavery, which we Europeans were the first to abolish centuries ago, in any form. However, mass irregular immigration will never be stopped unless we involve the countries of origin and transit in the fight against traffickers. Europe has already taken steps in this direction, through Italian initiatives such as the memorandums with Egypt and Tunisia, and we must continue to replicate this model in many other nations. Additionally, we must address the root causes that drive people to leave their homelands. The European Union, through its Strategic Agenda, is committed to tackling these fundamental issues. It officially acknowledges a principle we have long supported: the first right we must ensure is the right not to have to emigrate, by creating conditions for people to thrive in their own countries."

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni made these remarks in her speech to the Chamber and Senate yesterday, ahead of the upcoming EU Council meeting. "Achieving this goal," Meloni continued, "requires a new model of cooperation with African nations, enabling them to grow and prosper with their own resources. This cooperation, based on equality, will benefit everyone. We are pleased that this approach is also reflected in the Strategic Agenda."

Meloni highlighted Italy's contribution, through the EU's Global Gateway, to the "development of the Lobito Corridor, an impressive infrastructure project aimed at connecting Angola to Zambia, through the Democratic Republic of Congo, linking regional markets to global markets. These are the solutions African leaders, governments, and people are asking for. They are not asking for alms, nor for hypocritical and superficial solidarity that only helps those who manage to survive the dangerous journeys, ignoring those too poor to even attempt the crossing. Africans do not want our charity. They seek investments and shared projects to be developed together. They ask for respect and tangible actions. There is nothing more concrete than investing in infrastructure and energy. On this point, Italy has a significant advantage, which can become a strategic asset for Europe as a whole. Our position as a natural platform in the Mediterranean gives us the opportunity to become a supply hub, a bridge between the Eastern Mediterranean, Africa, and Europe. We are pursuing this goal with several projects already underway, and we intend to progressively implement more. For example, the ELMED Italy-Tunisia electrical interconnection and the H2 Med Corridor for transporting hydrogen from North Africa to Europe."

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