Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Meloni: Mediterranean cooperation essential with Italy and Libya

BigItaly International

Meloni: Mediterranean cooperation essential with Italy and Libya

Italy "is investing heavily in the Mediterranean" while on the other hand "there can be no Mediterranean without Italy and Libya together: this is why we have greatly strengthened our cooperation in these two years, and there are many issues that we cannot address alone”. And the migration phenomenon "is one of these". Giorgia Meloni, who is in Tripoli for the Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum, asserts that the relations and cooperation projects established with North African countries are noteworthy. She expresses gratitude to "the many friends in the room", including the president of Tunisia, with whom she maintains an additional significant partnership. Meloni also emphasizes that, in conjunction with them, "we require a 360-degree approach" that is founded on "three or four pillars" in order to address the issue of migrants and beyond. The first is an effort "to fight human trafficking, one of the major crimes in the world according to the United Nations" for individuals "who use people's desperation without guaranteeing them respect for human rights: we cannot allow this”. Nonetheless, the Prime Minister emphasizes that "illegal migration is the enemy of legal migration. In Italy, we are unable to legally admit many people due to the high number of illegal migrants." As a result, "we must address the root cause of the problem: allowing people to exercise their right not to emigrate. And this necessitates extensive collaboration; the best approach is not charitable or predatory, but peer-to-peer". The example is that of energy, which occurs frequently: "We in Europe have had this crisis, but every crisis is an opportunity. North Africa has the potential to be a major energy producer, and we must invest to solve both countries' problems". Margaritis Schinas, the outgoing Vice-President of the European Commission, was also in Tripoli and reiterated that the European Union is "on Libya's side in facing the challenges of irregular migration with humanity and in an effective way, with a global approach: you are not alone". Libyan Prime Minister Abdulhamid Dabaiba has recently raised concerns about the presence of 2.5 million migrants in Libya, describing the situation as unmanageable.

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