Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Collaborative effort brings Italian aid to Kurdistan's health and education sectors

BigItaly International

Collaborative effort brings Italian aid to Kurdistan's health and education sectors

In recent days, the soldiers of the Italian National Contingent Command-Land (IT NCC-L), deployed in Iraqi Kurdistan, have delivered various supplies to the Burn Hospital Emergency in Sulaymaniyah and the Department of Education in Erbil. The supplies were donated by the Italian non-profit organization "Live to Love – Vivere per amare." These initiatives are part of the civil-military cooperation projects of the national contingent in Kurdistan. The Italian National Contingent Command-Land, stationed in Erbil, operates in Iraqi Kurdistan as part of Operation Prima Parthica. All activities are carried out under the coordination and directives issued by the Joint Operational Command of the Defense.

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