Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

New edition of Macfrut 2025 presented in Cairo

BigItaly International

New edition of Macfrut 2025 presented in Cairo

Cairo – Egypt is the international partner, Lazio is the featured region, the potato is the symbolic product, the world symposium on biotechnologies, thematic focuses with the new addition of "The Healthy Food Show" presented in an innovative and spectacular way. These are some of the novelties of the 42nd edition of Macfrut, the international fruit and vegetable supply chain fair, which will be held from May 6 to 8, 2025, at the Rimini Expo Centre. The presentation of the 42nd edition took place in Cairo, attended by Michele Quaroni, the Italian ambassador to Egypt; Khaled Emara, ambassador from the Ministry of International Affairs - EU Department; Matteo Zoppas, president of the Italian Trade Agency (ICE); Renzo Piraccini, president of Macfrut; Giancarlo Righini, councilor for Agriculture and Budget for the Lazio Region; Mostafa El Naggari, vice president of Expolink Egypt; Stefano Gagliardi from Fieravicola.

"I applaud the initiative to present Macfrut here in Cairo, one of the most important supply chain fairs worldwide and a showcase of Italian excellence in agrifood and agri-tech," said Ambassador Quaroni. "Egypt is a natural partner for Italy in this sector and a gateway to African and Middle Eastern markets." According to Quaroni, "the decision to make Egypt the international partner of Macfrut is particularly timely. Egypt is, in fact, a priority country in the Mattei Plan." Zoppas thanked the president of Macfrut for choosing to present the fair in Egypt and "for seizing this opportunity for the development of the Plan with the aim of promoting made-in-Italy technologies, which have shown an increase in exports over the past two years." (9colonne)

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