Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

International poetry translation prize “M’illumino d’immenso” Awards announced in Cairo

BigItaly International

International poetry translation prize “M’illumino d’immenso” Awards announced in Cairo

International Poetry Translation Prize” have taken place, organized by the Trādūxit Laboratory, thanks to the support of the Italian Cultural Institutes in Mexico City, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Cairo, Lima, Madrid, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, and the Italo-Latin American International Organization, with the patronage of the Swiss Embassy in Egypt, Ametli (Mexican Association of Literary Translators), Biblioteche di Roma, Fondo de Cultura Económica (Mexico), and Edizioni Casagrande (Switzerland), with the goal of promoting the translation and dissemination of contemporary poetry.
This year, the prize attracted 491 translators from 28 countries across 4 continents to take on the challenge of translating the poems proposed by the organizers. The awarded translations will be published in journals across 12 countries.
At the Italian Cultural Institute in Mexico City, Helena Aguilà Ruzola (Spain) was awarded the prize for translation from Italian into Spanish. The award ceremony was preceded by a discussion on translation and poetry among three poet-translators: Fabio Morábito, Hernán Bravo Varela, and Juan Carlos Calvillo.
In Cairo, at the Italian Cultural Institute, Fatmaelzahraa Abdalla (Egypt) was awarded the prize for translation from Italian into Arabic. At the Italian Cultural Institute in Rio de Janeiro, Mariangela Ragassi (Brazil) received the award for translation from Italian into Portuguese.
The final ceremony will take place on November 19 at 6:00 PM at the Italo-Latin American International Organization in Rome, where the prize will be awarded to the winner of the second edition of M’illumino d’immenso for translation from Spanish into Italian, Valerio Nardoni (Italy). (9colonne)

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