Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Sardinian shorts shine in Marseille: Visioni Sarde tour

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Sardinian shorts shine in Marseille: Visioni Sarde tour

Marseille - The "Visioni Sarde" tour continues, with its next stop in Marseille. The best short films produced on the island will be showcased on Saturday, December 7, at 2 PM by the cultural association Passaparola, in collaboration with the Comites of Marseille, at the Michel Lévy Municipal Animation Center. The event is organized by Sebastiana Frau, Educational Director of Passaparola, an association dedicated to promoting the Italian language and culture in the capital of Provence.

The program will include screenings of Dalia by Joe Juanne Piras, Giù cun giuali by Michela Anedda, Incappucciati, Foschi by Nicola Camoglio, La punizione del prete by Francesco Tomba and Chiara Tesser, Quello che è mio by Gianni Cesaraccio, Ranas by Daniele Arca, Spiaggia libera by Ludovica Zedda, Ti aspetto qui by Gabriele Brundu, and Tilipirche by Francesco Piras.

The "Visioni Sarde" showcase, supported by the Sardinia Region, is the result of a collaboration between the Bologna Film Archive and the Sardegna Film Commission. Every year, they work together to promote Sardinian cinema with the aim of showcasing the island's environmental, historical, cultural, and social aspects. (9colonne)

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