Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Italy-Serbia business forum tomorrow

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Italy-Serbia business forum tomorrow

The new edition of the Italy-Serbia Business Forum kicks off tomorrow in Belgrade. Organized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in collaboration with the Italian Trade Agency (ICE), the Italian Embassy in Belgrade, and the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the forum aims to demonstrate Italy's ongoing commitment to strengthening bilateral economic partnerships. This commitment is also evident through the opening of offices in Belgrade for Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), SACE, and SIMEST, along with numerous cooperation agreements signed between institutions, associations, and companies from both countries. The program includes institutional speeches from Italian and Serbian authorities, a session presenting financial instruments activated by CDP, SACE, and SIMEST in support of bilateral partnerships, and parallel working groups dedicated to the following sectors: circular economy and energy transition, agri-tech and Industry 5.0, and physical and digital infrastructure. In the afternoon, participating Italian companies will have the opportunity to engage in B2B meetings with Serbian counterparts and explore specific topics of interest with representatives from Italy’s institutional system and Serbian government agencies. 

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