Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Stillife Brücke: a groundbreaking artistic collaboration at the Inside Out Centre

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Stillife Brücke: a groundbreaking artistic collaboration at the Inside Out Centre

In collaboration with the Italian Institute of Culture in Pretoria, the Inside Out Centre for the Arts presents Stillife Brücke, an artistic event at the intersection of visual arts and music that explores body art, photography, and live performance. This unique collaboration between tattoo artists Ruco and Servadio from the Stillife Brücke collective and renowned photographer Roger Ballen challenges artistic conventions by transforming the human body into a canvas.

Scheduled for March 16 at the Inside Out Centre for the Arts, the event will feature the live creation of a large-scale tattoo on a model's back, inspired by one of Roger Ballen’s installations. Through this creative process, Stillife Brücke aims to experiment with the concepts of permanence, spontaneity, and artistic transformation. The experience will be enriched by a live musical performance by Behr, a Johannesburg-based artist known for her experimental compositions that combine modular synthesis and environmental recordings to create immersive soundscapes.

(© 9Colonne - citare la fonte)