Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

The Italian fashion industry takes center stage in Kazakhstan

BigItaly focus
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The Italian fashion industry takes center stage in Kazakhstan

The fashion supply chain of Italy is on display in Kazakhstan. The annual event La Moda Italiana@Almaty will run until March 7. Organized by Assocalzaturifici and Ente Moda Italia, in collaboration with ICE Agency and promoted by Confindustria Moda and Confindustria Accessori Moda, the event is held under the patronage of the Italian Embassy in Astana and with the support of the Marche and Campania Regions, as well as Sviluppo Campania spa (a special agency of the region).

For over 400 buyers from across Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan, this is a unique opportunity to discover collections from more than 100 brands—a record-breaking participation for the event. The exhibition showcases a wide range of sectors, from footwear and leather goods to clothing and accessories.

Strengthening commercial ties, ICE Agency plays a key role by organizing an incoming program for the event and selecting 90 buyers interested in high-quality Made in Italy products.

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