Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Exploring Business opportunities in Panama: Italian and Guatemalan entrepreneurs on a trade mission

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Exploring Business opportunities in Panama: Italian and Guatemalan entrepreneurs on a trade mission

The Italian-Guatemalan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Italian-Panamanian Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture are organizing an informative webinar on March 12 for Italian and Guatemalan entrepreneurs, focusing on business opportunities in Panama. Following the webinar, a trade mission will take place to explore the market and establish strategic connections.

To reinforce the insights gained during the webinar, the Chambers will jointly organize a trade mission, allowing participants to experience the Panamanian market firsthand, meet potential partners, and discover investment opportunities. The mission will include B2B meetings with Panamanian entrepreneurs, visits to free trade zones and logistics centers, and meetings with local authorities, the Italian Embassy, the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Panama City, and local advisors.

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