Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Samantha Cristoforetti is the first Italian woman in space

BigItaly focus
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Jan. 23 - "Si muoverà e potrà volare, nuoterà su una stella e se è una femmina si chiamerà futura”, used to sing Lucio Dalla in 1980. 34 years later, his song inspired the name of an Italian Space Agency (ISA) mission, the Futura, which will take off in December 2014. For the first time, an Italian woman will head to space. Samantha Cristoforetti is an astronaut of the European Space Agency (ESA) and a pilot of the Italian Air Force. She unveiled yesterday the official logo of the ISS 42/43 ISA mission during a conference in Palazzo Chigi. The logo reads Futura and adds symbols representing research, discovery, investigation, enthusiasm and amazement; it was chosen by the public thanks to an online tender for its creation. On the left there is the ISS, in the center there is a light, in the background Earth and the Stars ("which are our goal", said ISA president, Enrico Saggese). At the conference, Maria Cecilia Guerra, under secretary to the Minister of Labor for Women's Equity, thanked Samantha: "in the face of stereotypes and hardships, Samantha has succeeded in representing Italy in space, and inspiring young girls to embark in scientific careers." She then defined the mission as "a first in Italy's history," and Samantha as "an ambassador for women's participation in scientific projects." Samantha will stay 6 months on the ISS with other D astronauts. "It is for me a great honor and responsibility to be part in this mission - says Cristoforetti - and I am happy to be able to talk about it. I have learned how to work in teams, and learned how to best represent my country."Saggese then explained that "the mission will cover basic maintenance duties aboard the ISS while Samantha will also carry out some experiments on behalf of ISA, thus re-confirming Italy's role in space." In particular, the mission represents the perfect occasion to strengthen our understanding of nanotechnologies and the effects on various organisms of long-term stays in space. There will also be time for hi-tech experiments on 3D printers. "If there were a structure similar to the G8 for space - says Saggese – Italy would be one of the member countries." According to Air Force Chief of State, General Pasquale Preziosa, "this mission shows the real asset that Italians are. They are a vital force for our future."


The Italian Space Agency was first established in 1988 to coordinate under a single organization the financial and material investments in space research. It is a public administration office under the umbrella of the Ministry of Education, University and Research. In less than two decades, it has become an important international actor in the field of space sciences, satellite technologies, and the quest for space. The ISA plays an important part in the European Space Agency, for which Italy is the third financier. The Agnecy also entertains a close relationship with NASA, with whom it participates in many interesting scientific missions. One of the most fascinating concerns the activities aboard the ISS, where Italian austronauts are becoming an ever more present reality.

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