Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Undersecretary Barbaro to attend the AIE global conference in Kenya

BigItaly International

Undersecretary Barbaro to attend the AIE global conference in Kenya

Nairobi - Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, Claudio Barbaro, will represent the Italian government today and tomorrow in Nairobi, delegated by Minister Gilberto Pichetto, at the ninth global conference of the International Energy Agency on energy efficiency. "This is one of the main events at the international level on the topic of energy efficiency, which, for the first time, will be held in the African continent." The initiative represents an opportunity to highlight Italy's commitment to supporting a safe, fair, and sustainable global energy transition, where energy efficiency is one of the main pillars to enhance energy security, promote industrial competitiveness, and facilitate emission reduction in all sectors. "Over the two days, we will also hold bilateral meetings with the Energy Minister and the Sports Minister of Kenya," explains Barbaro. "With the former, we will discuss the topic of access to clean energy and explore projects and solutions for natural resource conservation. With the latter, we will discuss the theme of sustainability in sports, a topic that we are addressing with great interest at MASE. Also, in light of the Ministerial Statement on Energy, Climate, and Environment adopted in Venaria and in line with the Mattei Plan, it is strategically important to strengthen partnerships with African countries to achieve decarbonization and global energy transition goals, while also promoting opportunities for growth and economic development. In this context, I emphasize that Italy, through the Italian Climate Fund, the International Finance Corporation, and Eni, is investing in the sustainable biofuel sector, creating tangible employment opportunities for 200,000 local farmers and contributing to the decarbonization of transport. The investment, recently announced by the parties during the Africa CEO Forum 2024 in Rwanda," highlights the undersecretary, "involves $135 million from the IFC and $75 million mobilized by the Italian Climate Fund, as part of the implementation of the Italian government's Mattei Plan in Kenya." (9colonne)

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