Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

A company from Lucca funds a well in Burkina Faso

BigItaly International

A company from Lucca funds a well in Burkina Faso

Ouagadougou - Thanks to the fundraising campaign "Realizing Séraphine's Dream Together," the construction of a potable water well in Pagou, Burkina Faso, has been completed. The news was announced by Sinergest, a software company from Lucca, which supported and contributed to the project, initiated by Nicholas Zare, the project manager. Séraphine was the name of his mother, who wished to build a new well to provide clean water to the people of her village, who would otherwise have to walk long distances to the nearest potable water source. However, the project doesn't end here. Thanks to the synergy with Nicholas Zare, the Lucca company has also managed to purchase an ambulance. Sinergest is also collecting donations of food and medical supplies, which will be sent to Pagou along with the ambulance. Zare emphasized the importance of continuous aid: "Thanks to the new well, life in Pagou has significantly improved. Now, with the delivery of essential goods and an ambulance, we want to continue bringing hope and support to this community." (9colonne)

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