Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

A workshop blending dance and clowning to learn the value of falling in Beirut

BigItaly International

A workshop blending dance and clowning to learn the value of falling in Beirut

Beirut – Italian choreographer Silvia Gribaudi, active in the performing arts, will hold a workshop titled "A free body" in Beirut from July 8 to 12, with five hours of activities per day and an open sharing session on July 13. The initiative is organized in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute and the Beirut Physical Lab. Through a proposal that mixes contemporary dance training and clowning, particular attention will be given to the value of falling: imperfection and mistakes are considered as expressive opportunities. Since 2004, Gribaudi has focused her artistic research on the social impact of the body, placing comedy and the relationship between the audience and the performer at the center of the choreographic language. (9colonne)

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