Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Libya, Memorandum of Understanding for the first Made in Italy fair

BigItaly International

Libya, Memorandum of Understanding for the first Made in Italy fair

Misurata - Recently, during RomaExport, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Misurata Chamber of Commerce in Libya, Federitaly, Confimprese Italia, and the Tunisian internationalization company Delta Center. This agreement marks the establishment of the first Made in Italy Fair in the city of Misurata. "The creation of the Made in Italy Fair in Misurata," said Federitaly President Carlo Verdone, "is a significant milestone in strengthening the presence of Italian companies throughout North Africa. It is a growing market, attracted to our products for their quality, creativity, and innovation. Through this fair, we aim to contribute substantially to the Italian government's Mattei Plan by fostering commercial relations between Italy and the countries on the southern shore of the Mediterranean." Additionally, Guido d’Amico, President of Confimprese Italia, highlighted that this agreement represents "a turning point in commercial relations between Italy and Libya, as it focuses on SMEs, which find in our confederation a common home and a real, sustainable growth opportunity." (9colonne)

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