Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Ferrini presents "Trees and New People for the Planet" in Beirut

BigItaly International

Ferrini presents

Beirut - The minimum need for greenery for a dignified human existence, the defense of biodiversity, the importance of trees in combating pollution, and mitigating the effects of climate change are central themes of "Trees and New People for the Planet," written by Francesco Ferrini with Ludovico Delvecchio, published by Elliot. Ferrini, a professor of Arboriculture and Tree Cultivation at the University of Florence, will be a guest on September 17th in Beirut at the Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts. The event is organized by the Academy in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute of Beirut. "Environmental protection," the book's presentation reads, "is the fundamental issue of our time, one that will determine whether there is still a place for humans on this planet. The ongoing attacks on the integrity of the natural balance, the complex interaction between different species of plants and animals, appear as intolerable threats to our future and that of all other beings on Earth. Thus, in the coming years, the protection of nature in its entirety will become of utmost importance for the survival of the biological system to which we are inextricably linked." Ferrini has served as President of the Italian Society of Arboriculture and received the International Society of Arboriculture's "L.C. Chadwick Award for Arboricultural Research" in 2010 and the ISA Award of Merit in 2019. (9colonne)

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