Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Promoting environmental excellence: Carabinieri mission in Ethiopia

BigItaly International

Promoting environmental excellence: Carabinieri mission in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa - A three-day mission in Ethiopia concluded yesterday, led by a delegation of the Carabinieri. The delegation was headed by Gen. Andrea Rispoli, Commander of the CUFA (Carabinieri Forestry, Environmental, and Agro-food Units), accompanied by Gen. Raffaele Pio Manicone, Commander of the CC Biodiversity Group, Col. Cristina Avanzo, Commander of the Center of Excellence for Environmental Protection in Sabaudia, and Maj. Marco Catizone. The mission aimed to introduce the Center of Excellence for Environmental Protection in Sabaudia to representatives of the African Union at its headquarters in Addis Ababa and Ethiopian authorities responsible for environmental protection, nature conservation, and agriculture.

The delegation was warmly received by the Italian Ambassador to Ethiopia, Agostino Palese, who accompanied the Carabinieri officers during their official engagements. They held an initial meeting with Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture of the African Union, to discuss collaborative projects. Later that evening, a reception was held at Villa Italia to promote the Sabaudia Center, attended by numerous Ethiopian officials, African Union dignitaries, and member state representatives. The event highlighted the center's capabilities and potential, emphasizing the exchange of skills and experiences.

The following day, the delegation visited Axum and Shire, including Suhul Hospital, the region's primary medical facility rebuilt with substantial Italian cooperation. The mission garnered appreciation and interest from various African authorities committed to land protection, conservation, and development. They aimed for integration in environmental, agricultural, and forestry initiatives while respecting regional nuances and needs.

The Center of Excellence for Environmental Protection in Sabaudia serves as an international training institute focusing on environmental, forestry, biodiversity, and natural area management. It operates through strategic partnerships with leading UN agencies on environmental issues, promoting training programs tailored for developing countries. The center facilitates the integration of governance elements in states seeking to develop economically while ensuring environmental sustainability.

Given the context, the training activities, meetings, and exchanges at all levels are invaluable for acquiring the theoretical and practical competencies needed to address climate change effectively, thereby making a crucial contribution to peacekeeping efforts. Climate change exacerbates challenges such as soil degradation, water scarcity, droughts, floods, and other critical issues, intensifying pressures on countries striving for survival.

Additionally, the facility houses an interactive digital simulator for conducting complex exercises on forest ecosystem fire prevention (Forest Fire Area Simulator - FFAS), akin to activities conducted at the nearby Carabinieri Training Center in Castel Volturno. The establishment of the center has immediately garnered interest from prominent national and international authorities.

Currently, 14 training modules have been structured for delivery in English, each lasting a minimum of 5 days. Instruction is provided in English and French by experts from the Carabinieri's Forestry, Environmental, and Agro-food Organization, ministry officials involved in related activities, as well as scholars and professionals from academia and the private sector.

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