Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Promoting Italian culture at Taobuk and Beyond: Tripodi's message

BigItaly International

Promoting Italian culture at Taobuk and Beyond: Tripodi's message

Tunis - Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Maria Tripodi participated in the 14th edition of Taobuk, the literature festival held in Taormina, with a video message. This year's festival focuses on "identity" in its various aspects, including its implications for international politics. In her speech, Tripodi emphasized the role of identity as a manifestation of the values, traditions, and culture of peoples. She highlighted that identity is fundamental to the very existence of a state and is key to reviving cooperation as a tool for dialogue among peoples. Tripodi also took the opportunity to congratulate publishing industry operators for the dynamism the sector demonstrates in international markets: "The publishing sector is strategic not only for economic returns but also as an extraordinary vehicle for transmitting our values. The Taobuk festival is certainly among the best expressions of this sector. This year, the Foreign Ministry and the festival collaborated to promote our literary heritage at two of the most important book fairs in the Mediterranean: the Tunis Book Fair and the Rabat Book Fair. Additionally, to give voice to the growing interest in Italian books worldwide, we have devised a social communication campaign with our Ministry called #ilmondofralerighe. I invite all of you to join as ambassadors of Italian know-how and culture," concluded Tripodi. (9colonne)

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