Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Navigating excellence: Vespucci's world tour spotlights Italy's innovations

BigItaly International

Navigating excellence: Vespucci's world tour spotlights Italy's innovations

Abu Dhabi - “The Italy Village will accompany the world tour of the Vespucci ship, promoting Italian excellence. It will serve as a prestigious showcase for Made in Italy and a robust driver for our economy. We've chosen to enhance an existing training activity by offering it a fresh perspective and making it accessible nationwide. Utilizing the Vespucci ship to promote Italy and Made in Italy involves multiple ministries,” stated Defense Minister Guido Crosetto during the unveiling of the Vespucci ship's global tour. The upcoming stops include Los Angeles, Tokyo, Darwin, Singapore, Mumbai, Abu Dhabi, Doha, and Jeddah, each featuring a series of events to highlight Made in Italy's strengths. "With the Vespucci, we're bringing Made in Italy to the world and showcasing opportunities for those interested in investing in our country," remarked Valentino Valentini, Deputy Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy, at the project's press conference unveiling the "Amerigo Vespucci World Tour 2023-2025," organized by the Ministry of Defense in collaboration with Masadf, Mase, Maeci, and other administrations including Mimit, contributing various activities. "In today's world of rapid communication and social media," he emphasized, "countries compete through narratives, which isn't childish or negative—it helps us reflect on our identity, origins, and introduces Italy to the world. Narratives evoke emotions, values, myths, and the Vespucci ship stands as a central myth in our national narrative." During the tour stops, he explained, "Mimit will host an Italian-themed roadshow, physically bringing Made in Italy to people's homes. We'll feature a Made in Italy exhibition, showcasing how 'innovation is tradition,' similar to the Vespucci, highlighting our ongoing renewal in beauty, art, and history through our craftsmanship. We'll also organize investment attraction meetings, illustrating Italy's openness to new investments. To support this, we've established a one-stop-shop, a task force, and privileged channels for potential investors. Additionally, we'll issue a commemorative stamp, as philately is also a form of storytelling. Lastly, we'll host panels on the blue economy and space economy, where Italy boasts an enviable tradition." "Made in Italy," he concluded, "is itself a narrative—it's not just about where it's made but how it's made. It shouldn't dwell on the past but inspire progress and innovation." (9colonne)

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