Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Minister Urso meets with the Italian community in Asmara

BigItaly International

Minister Urso meets with the Italian community in Asmara

Asmara - The Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, met with a delegation of the Italian community in Eritrea in Asmara. The meeting, held at the residence of the Italian ambassador at Villa Roma, was attended by the Eritrean government ministers of Foreign Affairs, Industry and Commerce, Agriculture, Education, Tourism, Environment, Energy, and Health, the Commissioner for Culture and Sports, as well as the political and economic advisors to President Afwerki.

The meeting followed a summit between Urso and President Isaias Afwerki, five Eritrean government ministers, and a delegation of major Italian companies including representatives from Enel Grids & Innovability, Polo Fincantieri Infrastrutture, Ferrovie dello Stato, Bonifiche Ferraresi, and the head of telemedicine at the "Agostino Gemelli" Polyclinic. "As President Afwerki wished," Urso stated, "the Italian government is absolutely available to reach a true strategic partnership, with mutual commitments, to immediately build a stronger relationship of cooperation between our countries: a win-win partnership between Italy and Eritrea, inspired by the example of Enrico Mattei, which could be beneficial to the Horn of Africa region and serve as an example for the entire African continent."

Urso's international mission in Eritrea continues today in Massawa, where the potential of local port and airport infrastructures will be examined, with the aim of enhancing direct transport routes of people and goods between Italy and the African country. The visit to Massawa concludes the minister's three-day visit to Eritrea. Commissioned by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Urso met with President Isaias Afwerki and ten Eritrean government ministers: “a clear signal,” reads a note from the Ministry, “of the importance that Eritrea and President Afwerki have attributed to the first mission of a minister from the Meloni government in the country.” (9colonne)

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