Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Italy and Morocco forge new frontiers in scientific collaboration

BigItaly International

Italy and Morocco forge new frontiers in scientific collaboration

Rabat - In recent days, the Minister of University and Research, Anna Maria Bernini, visited Morocco where she signed an agreement to bolster scientific and academic cooperation between the two countries. During her visit, she also launched the inaugural MUR roadshow on the Mattei Plan, facilitating discussions between selected Italian enterprises and the Moroccan government to collaborate on advanced training and research initiatives.

In Rabat, Minister Bernini met with her Moroccan counterpart, Abdellatif Miraoui, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation, and together they signed a Memorandum aimed at further enhancing collaboration in higher education, science, and innovation. Their joint efforts will support academic partnerships, scientific research projects, and promote mobility among researchers, as well as encourage participation in innovative infrastructures.

The collaboration will focus on key areas such as agri-food biotechnology, water management, sustainable and productive blue economy, renewable energies and green economy, climate change, health sciences, engineering and architecture, humanities and social sciences, and cultural heritage. Minister Bernini and her Moroccan counterpart also inaugurated the "Higher Education, Research, and Innovation: Collaboration between Morocco and Italy" event at Rabat Polytechnic, marking the first stage of the 'Mattei Plan Roadshow.' This initiative aims to strengthen the exchange of expertise between Italian and African industries.

Italian companies Acea, Arexpo, Future Farming Initiative, and MERMEC participated in Morocco, chosen for their operations in sectors crucial for scientific and technological collaboration between Italy and Morocco, including water management, innovation district creation, technological agriculture, and railway engineering. (9colonne)

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