Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

The Italian mission trains new Nigerien paratroopers

BigItaly International

The Italian mission trains new Nigerien paratroopers

NIAMEY - The Italian military continues to support the security forces and people of Niger, as per the bilateral agreements between Italy and Niger. Recently, the national contingent, part of the Italian mission in Niger, has been providing training to the armed forces, customs police, national guard, and Nigerien gendarmerie. Alongside parachute training aimed at earning paratrooper certification using the "Static Line" technique, they have completed courses for jumpmasters, parachute riggers, Departure Airfield Control Officers (DACO), and light cargo air supply. Since its start in 2017, the Italian mission in Niger has trained over 8,900 Nigerien soldiers and conducted 331 various courses. These activities are carried out under the directives of the Joint Operational Command, responsible for the planning, coordination, and direction of military operations, both national and multinational joint exercises, and related activities. (9colonne)

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