Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Rome-Dakar Flight, Ambassador Ndiaye: An opportunity to strengthen trade and relations between the two Countries

BigItaly International

Rome-Dakar Flight, Ambassador Ndiaye: An opportunity to strengthen trade and relations between the two Countries

Dakar - "An excellent opportunity to enhance economic, cultural, tourist, and commercial exchanges, as well as political relations between the two countries," said Senegalese Ambassador Ngor Ndiaye on X, referring to the new Rome-Dakar flight operated by Ita Airways. The route was inaugurated on July 3rd at Fiumicino Airport. Alongside Ambassador Ndiaye, the event was attended by Tommaso Fumelli, Vice President of Italy Sales at ITA Airways; Federico Scriboni, Aviation Business Development Director at Aeroporti di Roma; Counselor Mario Bartoli, Head of the Office for Central and Western African Countries at the Directorate General for Globalization and Global Issues of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ascenzo Forte, Head of Institutional Relations and Communication at Enac; and Raffaello Biselli, Councillor for Commerce and Markets, Productive Activities, and Suap of the Municipality of Fiumicino. The flights to Dakar are operated with the new Airbus A321neo, which boasts 20% lower fuel consumption and CO2 emissions per seat. Direct flights are scheduled for Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. (9colonne)

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