Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Strengthening healthcare skills in Africa: UniCamillus's commitment

BigItaly International

Strengthening healthcare skills in Africa: UniCamillus's commitment

Mogadishu - The ITESHS project – Integrated Transcultural Educational Synergy in Health Sciences, led by UniCamillus University, has launched with the aim of strengthening higher education and enhancing healthcare skills in Africa. Specifically, ITESHS plans to establish degree programs in healthcare in Somalia and Cameroon, along with international exchanges with Ethiopia. UniCamillus University will oversee the establishment of a physiotherapy program and a postgraduate course in orthopedics at the University of Mogadishu. This choice is not coincidental: the well-known civil war that has ravaged Somalia for over 30 years has caused not only deaths but also serious injuries and mutilations. In this context, training healthcare professionals capable of effectively addressing the needs of the population becomes imperative, facilitating access to high-quality orthopedic and rehabilitative care. As part of this project, UniCamillus will also develop an orthopedic laboratory at its Roman campus, which will serve as a reference point for training Somali students, who are invited to Italy to engage in practical activities using cutting-edge equipment specifically acquired by the university. Regarding the partner universities, the University of Foggia will collaborate on the creation of a nursing degree program at HITAS in Douala, while the University of Chieti-Pescara will work with Addis Ababa University on a mobility program for students and faculty between the two universities within the psychology degree program. (9colonne)

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