Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Chef Daniele Pampagnin exports Venetian taste and culture

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Chef Daniele Pampagnin exports Venetian taste and culture

Jan. 20 - Sprizzetti , snacks, Prosecco and Veneto cuisine: chef Daniele Pampagnin decided to "export" the region’s tastes and traditions to London, where he opened a restaurant - bar serving the best of Venice and beyond. In the heart of the British capital the chef from the Serenissima offers Venetian delicacies, from typical appetizers to the most appreciated wines. Pampagnin, 38, has many years of international experience, with the chain "Cecconis" restaurant, and its bar "Tozi" where all products are "made in Veneto." Pampagnin brought to London all his experience in highlighting Italian culinary traditions. The chef - who has worked all over the world in high-end restaurants - supports and promotes typical Italian products, such as meats and cheeses. Even the President of the Veneto, Luca Zaia, has congratulate himself with the chef: " I want to thank Daniele Pampagnin, who is setting up in London a cultural operation, which offers the flavors and tastes of our millennial culinary tradition. Cooking is an expression of culture and territory - stresses Zaia - and our region has been able to create masterpieces, such as the Vicenza bacalà and the Treviso Tiramisu, with unique stories and recipes that are born from the extraordinary kaleidoscope of Adriatic fish, meats and cheeses, the Alps, the countryside, not to mention the wines (Prosecco, Amarone, Raboso  Soave and many others) very appreciated worldwide. It’s also nice to remember that oriental food and utensils first made their way into Europe through Venice, such as the fork (or piron) and ‘potage.’ I wish the best success to this initiative, in the hope that it is also an example for others to do the same around the world, and a call for the rest of the world to come and taste Veneto 'at the source.'" 


Food and wines "made in Italy" are increasingly appreciated across the national borders, becoming the central point of the country's recovery. Despite the decline in exports in November, both for fresh products (-5.6%) and processed (-0.7%), the food sector can still toast to another year of successes in the first eleven months of 2013. Sales in foreign markets showed a growth trend for both agricultural products (+2.5%) and food (+5.2%), in contrast to the national average (-0,5%) . The Italian Farmers Confederation reported as much in a popular analysis based on Istat data.

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