From Monday to Friday, BigItalyFocus provides an information overview, ranged from development aid to made in Italy
(Apr. 9) The Palace of Brigades in Tirana reflects the contribution and skill of Italian architects who worked in Albania during the 30s and 40s for its design and implementation. This impressive building, designed by Giulio Bertè as " Villa Reale" for Albanian King Ahmet Zogu in 1936,and then completed by Gherardo Bosio and his colleagues as "Villa Luogotenenziale" in 1939-1941 and currently known as "Palace of Brigades", requires necessarily an immediate re-evaluation and a revitalization of the great potential that offers after so many years. The Ministry of Culture and the Institute of Culture Monuments, in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Tirana, the Italian Cultural Institute and the Albanian-American Development Foundation, on April 13 organizes at the Palace of Brigades, a conference dedicated to the history, the current state and the potential of the Palace. (Red)
During the conference the results of a scientific research conducted recently on the condition of the Palace of Brigades will be presented. During the morning, professors and researchers from Italian and Albanian universities and the "National Centre of research" will intervene. After an introduction about the history and architecture of the palace, the object of analysis will be the restoration and conservation on the short and long term that will run as soon as possible. "The advanced technological equipment used for the first time in Albania on the occasion of this important scientific research about the physical status of the monument – said the IIC presentation - showed degraded parts of the building that have not withstood the years and the weather conditions ".