Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Piedmont at the Farnborough International Air Show

BigItaly focus
BigiItalyfocus is a daily news service offering informations and insights on the best of the italian presence in the world.
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Piedmont at the Farnborough International Air Show

(Jul. 4) - Piedmont comes back at the International Air Show (FIA), to be held July 9th to 13rd . An excellent opportunity for 16 Italian companies in one of the world's largest aerospace exhibitions. The participation is promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Turin as part of the promotional project Torino Piemonte Aerospace. In addition to the companies involved, Piedmont’s stand will also host the Polytechnic of Turin. "The event takes place in a country, the United Kingdom, where the aerospace market is first in Europe and second worldwide, right after the United States. The 2010 edition was attended by over 120,000 trade visitors with exhibiting companies announcing order figures of 47 billion dollars during the show. Italy and Piedmont will be represented by many SMEs and large industries. Such as Avio, Alenia Aermacchi, Microtecnica - Goodrich Company, Selex Galileo e Thales Alenia Space,” commented Alessandro Barberis, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Turin. "This will be a unique occasion for Piedmont’s companies,” concluded Barberis, ”a chance to present themselves to international clients and see the last R&D activities in the sector.” (Red)

According to the last data recorded in 2008 by the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), Piedmont detains 17% of national exports of the sector corresponding to almost 735 million euros. Exports from the region are mainly directed to the USA (26%), Germany (22%), the UK (17%). The main oversea purchasers are the USA and Canada, the first recording an enormous surplus (+36%), the second importing 5% of the regional aerospace production.

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