Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

University of L'Aquila receives €1.5 million for mobility and international cooperation projects

BigItaly International

University of L'Aquila receives €1.5 million for mobility and international cooperation projects

Banjul - The University of L'Aquila has secured three significant grants for mobility and international cooperation projects. Two of these grants pertain to transnational educational initiatives from a call issued by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) last fall. This public notice allocated €50 million to universities, consortia, and university foundations from PNRR funds (Mission 4 "Education and Research") to promote international cooperation between universities on projects addressing gender inequality and environmental protection. Projects had to be directed towards strategic non-EU contexts, including the Balkans and Africa. UnivAQ was funded through the "Engines" alliance, which includes the universities of H-AMU (Hub Abruzzo Marche Umbria), a public/private partnership aimed at developing socio-economic and employment strategies for central Italy. Coordinated by the University of L'Aquila, the "Engines" alliance received nearly €2 million, with UnivAQ's share being €337,000. The project focuses on STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) primarily in Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Africa. The second grant, also in the TNE field, is related to the "Health Connect" alliance coordinated by the University of Lecce (UniSalento). This project, aimed at the Balkan region, received over €2 million, with €175,000 allocated to the University of L'Aquila. The third grant involves the new action of the Erasmus+ program, enabling students to undertake mobility periods to and from non-EU countries. UnivAQ received €1.15 million out of a total €24 million allocated to Italian universities and higher education in the arts, music, and performing arts. These funds are distributed across regions: Sub-Saharan Africa (€499,226), Southern Mediterranean (€215,143), Eastern Partnership (€312,166), Western Balkans (€24,844), Central Asia (€32,960), and Asia (€66,660). These funds will prioritize students and faculty selected for study periods in L'Aquila. Unlike the regular Erasmus program, this initiative has stringent evaluation criteria. UnivAQ's success also lies in selecting incoming students for double degree programs. "This is an excellent result, largely due to Prof. Rubino. Not only is the funding amount significant, but the intrinsic value of the result is noteworthy. Two of the acquired projects reflect UnivAQ's genuine vocations: promoting gender equality in STEM disciplines and commitment to environmental sustainability," said the Rector of the University of L'Aquila, Edoardo Alesse. "This outcome reinforces the belief that the supra-regional partnership based on the HAMU model is successful, as evidenced by numerous positive results achieved so far," added Prof. Bruno Rubino, Vice-Rector for International Affairs. "For several years, UnivAQ has been engaged in inclusive international cooperation, managing credible and quality transnational networks. Just as in healthy immigration processes, the flow of international students from developing countries should be encouraged but properly managed to allow the best students to arrive in our academic context."

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