From Monday to Friday, BigItalyFocus provides an information overview, ranged from development aid to made in Italy
Bangui - Doctors with Africa CUAMM, with the support of the European Union, is expanding its commitment in the Central African Republic to provide an integrated and multidisciplinary healthcare response in the Koui sub-prefecture. The initiative supports the secondary-level hospital and four healthcare centers in the area, helping to alleviate the burden on the nearby Bocaranga hospital, currently the only functioning facility. The initial data collected is promising: 2,754 outpatient visits for children under five, 104 assisted deliveries, 355 prenatal check-ups, 484 hospital admissions, 142 children vaccinated within their first year, and 229 people reached with health education messages.
The project will include: renovating the operating room, maternity ward, electrical and plumbing systems, and improving waste disposal procedures, as well as building latrines. CUAMM will also ensure the supply of medications and medical materials, along with the necessary equipment for various departments. To meet the population's needs, additional healthcare staff will be hired, and training and professional development for existing personnel will be guaranteed. Finally, a system for transferring complex cases and emergencies, particularly obstetric emergencies, will be implemented using motorcycles, facilitating transport from remote areas and villages to the hospital.
This project will be carried out by CUAMM in collaboration with the local NGO Ofhard (Organization of Women for Humanitarian Action and Sustainable Development). (9colonne)
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